WINNERS of the Winter Session!


That's right, I said WINNERS! I decided to give two sessions away, so there are TWO winners!

Congratulations to Meagan (post #2) and Stacey (post #4) who were randomly chosen to win a Winter Session with Kimberlin Gray Photography!  E-mail me ASAP for details and to schedule your session, ladies!

If you're wondering how I made sure that it was a random winner, just look below at the screen shots of my computer. is a neat website and works perfectly for contests like these!

Thanks to all who entered and especially those who passed on the link to their family and friends.  I have a fantastic referral program, so pass along my name for a special surprise when your friends book a session! My goal is to have a blog contest or facebook contest at LEAST once a month, so keep your eyes peeled!

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