Family Time | Virginia Beach Family Photographer

I always come to family sessions with a few tricks up my sleeve - especially when the family includes four children from baby to pre-teen!  But the beautiful children you are about to see are the most polite and well-behaved bunch I think I've encountered yet and I didn't even have to use my bag 'o tricks!!

I have to give a special thank you to this family as well.  Their youngest daughter's birth was the very first birth I photographed.  You can see it here on my "old" blog!  At that time, I had no birth photography portfolio to show them, so they were going out on a limb to trust me with such an intimate moment in their lives.  What a privilege it was!  And now I've gotten the opportunity to capture their whole family. Thank you, again, for trusting me with your precious family memories!

Four kids and still GORGEOUS!!

Hope you enjoyed your peek!