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Tips & Inspo



Last weekend was full of beautiful bellies – and since I’m behind on blogging my sessions (sorry, guys!) I thought it’d be fun to combine all of them into one beautiful, big, belly-licious blog post.  {Say that three times fast!!} In no particular order, here are some of my favorites from the weekend!


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Up next is a precious little one named Lilly.  Lilly’s mommy and daddy really wanted a photo of her with their fur-baby!  It wasn’t easy, but I think we achieved the near-impossible!  🙂  Hope you love these, Christa & Duane!


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I had the pleasure of meeting and photographing two sweet baby girls recently.  You may remember the first momma from her stunning maternity session at the beach.  She was just as beautiful only a week after giving birth to hear daughter, Gabrielle!  Congrats again, April & Jason!


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Here’s a bit of belated sneak peek for this cutie pie’s family.  I snuck in a session literally on my way out of town for a weekend away, so they have patiently been waiting a few days to see just what we captured! And toward the end of the session, we used a beautiful antique […]


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This 1st birthday boy shares his special day with my daughter, St. Patty’s Day!  He came decked out in his perfectly green outfit and was more than happy to smile and flirt with me from the very first minute!  In fact, we had trouble getting him to stay more than 6 inches from me – […]


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What is a Mini-Sesssion anyway? A mini-session is basically a scaled down version of a custom photo session with Kimberlin Gray Photography.   It includes a 20 minute portrait session and 5 Gift Prints from the 5-10 fully edited images.   Special a la carte items are also offered at a discounted rate only for these […]


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I always come to family sessions with a few tricks up my sleeve – especially when the family includes four children from baby to pre-teen!  But the beautiful children you are about to see are the most polite and well-behaved bunch I think I’ve encountered yet and I didn’t even have to use my bag […]


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I have not one, but THREE examples of  What to Wear for your next family portrait session!  The goal is to coordinate without matching exactly.  The days of everyone wearing black shirts and khaki’s are gone – let’s be more creative and natural!  Wouldn’t your family look beautiful in one of these color palettes??


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Beautiful people make beautiful babies – and I am fortunate enough to get to photograph them!  I think this is now one of my absolute favorite newborn and parent photos.  Aren’t they stunning? Of course, I did take photos of the baby by himself, too!  He liked to sleep with his eyes cracked half open […]


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I have been so excited to share these photos – this is my winning couple from the Love Story Contest!   They have endured much (read their story here) and are a beautiful couple!  Doesn’t hurt that we had beautiful evening light, and lots of laughter!  What more can a girl ask for?! I must […]


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"The images we have gotten from Amanda will hang on our walls FOREVER!

She is one of the MOST creative, talented, and patient photographers we’ve ever worked with."

- Samantha W.

We’re all about making every family feel welcome.

Whether you’ve got a huge family, a blended crew, or just need a break from all the baby advice, we’ve got your back. And when you’re done? You won’t just walk away with a few pics - you’ll have jaw-dropping photos that’ll make everyone say, “Wait, you really had that much fun doing newborn photos?”

So take a breath, mama. We know it feels like a lot, but when you work with us, all those newborn photo worries melt away. We’ll take care of it all. You just show up, relax, and get ready to meet your new best friend: your photos.

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