You’ve got spit-up on your shirt, you’re Googling “is it normal for newborns to hiccup THIS much,” and you can’t remember the last time you slept for more than 3 hours straight. Welcome to the chaos of motherhood.
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It is such an honor to be present at the birth of a child – and I’ve had that honor twice in the past few months. The beautiful photographs chronicle both the time leading up to a baby’s entrance to the world and the precious first moments after. I am so thrilled to share with […]
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This photo is from my October “Urban” mini-session. These boys were dressed perfectly for the location and style of the portraits. Awesome wardrobe choice! ———————————– You are what you wear. A little cliché? Perhaps. But when it comes to portrait photography, clothing plays a huge role in the success of the finished product. Before we […]
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After chatting with her on the phone, I wanted to do something a bit different for this maternity client, so we met down on the Boardwalk at the Virginia Beach Oceanfront. It was one of the only nicer days we’ve had this week, but boy did it end up getting WINDY! Thanks, D, for being […]
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Another amazing birth – this time at the Naval Hospital. This mommy was cool as a cucumber – she spent most of her labor texting with a smile on her face. Baby Kaylor’s birth was just like in the movies. The nurse asked her to give a little push and then said, “Okay – DON’T […]
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A few of my favorite people are featured today in this Sneak Peek! Miss “H” recently turned one (remember her Cake Smash?) and her mommy wanted to capture this time – the exploration, the wonder, the laughter, and the precious nursing relationship they still share. It was so much fun hanging out together again […]
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I am so excited to share one of my new products with you – the Standout Board! I absolutely love these and love that they come in just about any size! Standout boards are thick, lightweight, and finished with a black edge. The image is mounted directly on the board and finished with a lustre […]
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Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Turning 4 is a BIG DEAL – I hope you have a wonderful day today, my little friend! I met with one of my favorite families last night after rescheduling no less than three times since November. The weather was not cooperative in 2009, but the New […]
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My New Year’s Resolution is to blog more! I hope you’ll enjoy hearing (and seeing) more from me in 2010. Yesterday was the first warm day we’ve had here in VB since….well, before Christmas, maybe! It was great to get the kids outside again and get my camera out. I think it has been lonely […]
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That’s right, I said WINNERS! I decided to give two sessions away, so there are TWO winners! Congratulations to Meagan (post #2) and Stacey (post #4) who were randomly chosen to win a Winter Session with Kimberlin Gray Photography! E-mail me ASAP for details and to schedule your session, ladies! If you’re wondering how I […]
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Welcome to 2010 and my new blog! I am SO thrilled to be moving over here and “officially” launching my business with a new site and new logo! It was difficult choosing the perfect website, but I finally decided on a “blogsite”, which is a combination flash page and blog. Here you can see examples […]
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"The images we have gotten from Amanda will hang on our walls FOREVER!
She is one of the MOST creative, talented, and patient photographers we’ve ever worked with."
- Samantha W.
Whether you’ve got a huge family, a blended crew, or just need a break from all the baby advice, we’ve got your back. And when you’re done? You won’t just walk away with a few pics - you’ll have jaw-dropping photos that’ll make everyone say, “Wait, you really had that much fun doing newborn photos?”
So take a breath, mama. We know it feels like a lot, but when you work with us, all those newborn photo worries melt away. We’ll take care of it all. You just show up, relax, and get ready to meet your new best friend: your photos.
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