
cake smash

themed kids

Tips & Inspo



At this very moment, I am sitting in a labor & delivery room awaiting the arrival of a new life!  In a few hours, a woman will become a mother for the first time.  Today will be Mother’s Day for her! Motherhood is such an amazing thing – and I spent some time with some […]


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Here’s a Mother’s Day sneak peek for the winner of my Cutest Kid Contest.  We had our session this past weekend and this little princess came with an entourage – two aunts and a mommy – and four clothing changes!  She’s a cutie for sure!


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I have been overwhelmed by the response to my participation with Operation: Love ReUnited. Overwhelmed in a good way (I love giving back to these families who give so much to our country!) and overwhelmed in a not-so-good way (Because I just can’t take them all!).  I am totally booked with Pre-Deployment Sessions and Homecomings […]


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I have recently been thinking a lot about the products that I offer and how I can make my business stand out from others — especially those chain studios where you can get a bajillion prints for $9.99.   Honestly, I know I can’t compete with their prices.  And truthfully, I don’t WANT to.  It’s just […]


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This weekend, I had the pleasure of photographing two 6 month old baby boys!  On Saturday, it was another installment of The Baby Plan with this cherubic little guy.  You might remember him from his 3 month session.  We had to play a lot of peek-a-boo and give lots of tickles, and ended up with […]


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I have entered a fun challenge on one of my photography forums called “The ABC Challenge”.  The rules are to submit one photo for each letter of the alphabet – but they had to be taken AFTER March 12th of this year!  So, I went back through the sessions I had between March 12th and […]


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Announcing Kimberlin Gray Photography’s “Milestones Package”.  With all the newborns I’ve had recently, it’s been on my mind.  How can I maximize savings for those who want to capture all the stages of their baby’s first year?  So, I have re-vamped my Baby Plan to hopefully do just that for all those who have or […]


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…and everything nice.  That’s what little girls are made of.   And this sweetheart’s Dramatic Delivery was definitely part sugar and part spice!  I was lucky to spend a few hours with her on Friday to capture that precious newborn stage that passes so quickly.  There is nothing quite like a bendy, sleepy newborn baby.


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It is an amazing thing to bring a baby into the world and even more awesome to do it on your own terms. I was thrilled to be asked to be present at a planned home birth – and this one was exciting in a way I never imagined! I arrived to find a strong […]


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———————————— Looking for the perfect Mother’s Day gift for your wife, sister, or daughter (in-law)?  How about a portrait session with her favorite little ones?  It’s sure to be a gift she’ll treasure forever!  Or moms, why not treat yourself to some beautiful images of you WITH your children?  Now THAT doesn’t happen every day […]


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"The images we have gotten from Amanda will hang on our walls FOREVER!

She is one of the MOST creative, talented, and patient photographers we’ve ever worked with."

- Samantha W.

We’re all about making every family feel welcome.

Whether you’ve got a huge family, a blended crew, or just need a break from all the baby advice, we’ve got your back. And when you’re done? You won’t just walk away with a few pics - you’ll have jaw-dropping photos that’ll make everyone say, “Wait, you really had that much fun doing newborn photos?”

So take a breath, mama. We know it feels like a lot, but when you work with us, all those newborn photo worries melt away. We’ll take care of it all. You just show up, relax, and get ready to meet your new best friend: your photos.

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